
(239) 263-2122

March 7, 2019

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Special – Save $505

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Do You or Your Loved Ones….

Wake up Gasping for Air?
Overly Tired?
Sleep Well or Ever Dream?

There could be an easy solution; you might have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The solution couldn’t be easier! Make an appointment with us to discuss if this problem is affecting your life and you can benefit from a dental sleep appliance.

  • Receive a Consultation – $105
  • Take Home Sleep Study – $100
  • Total Consultation Value – $205

If you elect to have an OSA appliance, you will receive $300 discount off your dental sleep appliance.

Receive a Total Value Savings of $505
Please give us a call to set up your free consultation at (239) 263-2122

This special is good for the months of March and April.

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