(239) 263-2122

Relay for Life 2014

Drs. Boe, Page and Page “Taking a Bite out of Cancer” team participated in this year’s annual Relay for Life.  This event is centered around raising awareness for Cancer, early screening and raising funds for continued Cancer research.  Relay for Life provides a very emotional backdrop to the real life effects that Cancer has on […]

Relay for Life 2014

Dr. Boe, Page & Page Dental Group will be joining the American Cancer Society to help finish the fight against cancer by participating in our community Relay For Life event.   On April 12 & 13 at Gulfview Middle School we will help make a difference by walking and raising money to help in the world’s […]

More Research Links Obesity to Sleep Apnea

It’s not difficult for sleep physicians to predict which patients are most likely to have sleep apnea.  The latest study from researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM) confirms the patient profile, adding more evidence to the widely held belief that obesity is, at least in part, fueling a rise in sleep apnea. Originally published […]

~ Laces of Love ~

Once again, we were happy to support Laces of Love in their mission to help needy kids receive “New Shoes”.  With the help of our generous patients and staff, we were able to collect enough money to purchase 26 pairs of shoes.  As of today, Laces of Love has provided over 60,000 pairs of New […]

Wait, there’s a new name…

Yes, our practice now has a new name!  As of January 1st, 2014, our practice name has changed to Boe, Page & Page Dental Group.  Dr. Chris Page has been an associate with our practice since he graduated from Dental School in May of 2008; he is now a full partner. With the addition of […]

Boo Zoo 2013

This year’s Boo at the Zoo event was very well attended.  The Naples Zoo host different business vendors throughout the zoo.  Children and their parents are invited to see the zoo and the many animals, and visit the exhibits in costumes and “trick or treat”. This year, Captain Chris (Dr. Chris Page), along with his […]

Relay For Life 2013

This year’s Relay for Life event was blessed with perfect weather!  The skies were clear and the breeze was most pleasant.  Again, there was a tremendous turnout from the Naples community.  The atmosphere was celebratory with an air of respect and humility for all of those affected by this burdensome challenge. The office of Drs. […]

33 Years!

Drs. Boe and Page celebrated their 33rd year in dental practice in Naples on March 10, 2012.  It has been an exciting and very satisfying time and both are amazed at how quickly the time has passed.  Dr. Boe and Page continue to enjoy what brought them and their families to Naples in 1980.  Both […]

Laces of Love

With the help of our patients we were able to collect and dontate 36 new pairs of shoes to Laces of Love over the holidays.  Laces of Love is a charitable foundation that provides new shoes to low income and disadvantaged children in Collier and Lee Counties of Florida. For more information, please see www.lacesoflove.org

American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine

Dr. Boe and Dr. Page are members of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM). They are committed to offering an alternative treatment for people suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). OSA affects approximately 18 million Americans, causing them to stop breathing for 10 to 30 seconds, sometimes for one minute or longer, hundreds […]