(239) 263-2122

Happy Anniversary Carol!!

On October 15th Carol celebrated her 36th Anniversary here with Boe, Page & Page Dental Group!!! Looking forward to many more years!!!

Happy Anniversary Dee!!

On September 28th Dee Celebrated her 22nd Anniversary with Boe, Page & Page Dental Group!!  Wishing her many more years here with Boe, Page & Page Dental Group!!

Happy Birthday Lauren

Yesterday we celebrated Lauren’s Birthday!!  Wishing you many more years of happy birthdays!!

Happy Birthday Dr. Page!

Yesterday we celebrated Dr. Page’s Birthday!! His amazing granddaughter picked the theme of Trolls!!  Wishing him many more Happy Birthday’s!!!

Ducklings coming soon!

When you are exiting the office be sure to look to the left!  Just outside our door that leads right to the parking lot is a mom and her nest, occasionally the dad is there watching the nest.  We can’t wait to see the little ducklings waddling around soon!

Happy Birthday to Brenda!

On June 15th we celebrated Brenda’s Birthday!!  Wishing Brenda a very happy birthday and many more!

A Note From Our Doctors

As we all adapt to the new challenges this Corona virus has presented to us, we will continue to update our patients on thoughts and recommendations to minimize the adverse effects this predicament placed on us. With regards to your gum and bone health around your teeth, we are encouraging you to be meticulous with […]