(239) 263-2122

Neighborhood Health Clinic

Our office is pleased to provide pro bono dental care to the patients in our community through our association with the Neighborhood Health Clinic.  Please use this link to learn more about this volunteer based organization.   www.neighborhoodhealthclinic.org  Here is an excerpt from their website: On April 12th, we celebrate our 13th anniversary and want to […]

Relay for Life 2012

Relay for Life 2012     Even the weather could not deter the efforts of Team Drs. Boe & Page.  With thunderstorms, rain and wind, each team was presented with a variety of challenges.  The opening ceremonies were in very nice conditions.  This is a very emotional moment and a cause for reflection.  The outpouring of […]

32 Years and Counting…

      March 10, 2012 marks the 32nd year of practice for Dr. Boe and Dr. Page.  It’s amazing how quickly time has flown by.  As we reflect on our years of practice, we continue to appreciate all of the experiences and relationships we have developed over the years.   Dr. Boe and Dr. Page met in dental […]

Boo at the Zoo

On October 22nd, Dr. Chris Page and staff had a spooktacular good time celebrating Halloween with over 2,000 people during Boo at the Zoo. Kids were dressed in costumes and trick or treated business vendors throughout the Naples Zoo. At Dr. Page’s booth, the children learned tooth trivia as they played Tooth or Dare with […]

Dominican Republic Dental Care

Dr. Page and Dr. Chris Page have traveled to the Dominican Republic as part of a team of Dentist and Dental Students from the University of Florida. This dental team consisted of 4 practicing dentist and 24 dental students. The primary goal of this effort is to provide humanitarian dentistry to the villagers of some […]

You Can Make a Difference! Recipe for a Healthy Mouth

Do you know or feel, or have you been told that you grind your teeth? Do you suffer from headaches or joint discomfort, clicking or popping, tooth sensitivity or loss of tooth structure? Do you feel you are chewing efficiently and comfortably? If you have concerns with any of the above, it would be recommended […]

New Look, New Doctor in Naples, FL

Dear Patient: We have exciting news and want you to be the first to know, we are expanding our dental practice. Towards the end of June, we will begin construction on our current space to accommodate the addition of a new doctor, Christopher Page, to our practice. Dr. Chris Page, son of Dr. Stephen Page, […]

What You Don’t Know, May Hurt You

Great smiles and healthy mouths don’t just happen. Sound teeth and healthy gums come from consistent homecare and an understanding of the “ENEMY”. In this case, the culprit is stagnated debris around the gum line. In fact, studies show that self-determination to have a healthy mouth is one of the most important aspects of actually […]